Our cloud solution works with any VoIP phones you own, or we can recommend VoIP phones to fit your business requirements.
With so many VoIP and business phone choices on the market, Creative 13 can help find the best desk phone needs for your business. We'll help sort through the confusion to find the best solution for your office phone needs.
If you’re looking for the best phone system for your business, Creative 13 offers an array of options to fit any type of communication need. We offer on-site independently managed phone systems; hybrid and private cloud systems that allow you to control software updates and manage your own phone system while combining the applications, features, and redundancy of a cloud-based system; and fully hosted, cloud-based phone systems that are run, managed and maintained for you on a monthly subscription fee.

Need new desktop VoIP telephones for your office?
Creative 13 has your solutions. We offer many makes and models of today’s best VoIP telephones and through our expertise and knowledge, can find the phone that best fits your business needs.
All VoIP telephones purchased through Creative 13 will be box-opened, load-tested, and programmed with your unique account settings before they are shipped for plug-and-play deployment.
We take the hassle out of the hardware!

Already own an office desktop VoIP phone system?
Creative 13 has the expertise to work with your current system. We can set up your phones and the Creative 13 CoreNexa cloud system on your office VoIP phones, mobile phones, and desktop computers.
Certified Partner with

The Avaya Unified Communications solutions enable effective collaboration and communication integration across broad, distributed cloud environments, increase organizations’ productivity, and improves customer service.

Allworx makes communication effortless. The VoIP phone systems are designed and manufactured with primary attention on innovation, value, reliability, customer focus, and quality. The result is products that meet your needs today and tomorrow,.